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quaranTHINGS // 10 Things To Do While You Are Self-Quarantined

Hey friends! I know that we are all tired of scrolling social media and seeing all of the challenges and self-information games. If you are like me, you might have turned your screen-time limits off as soon as the Shelter-in-Place happened. I decided to jump on here and write about some things that I have seen or done that have helped me and others get through these extremely boring days. First, I want to thank all of the healthcare and other essential workers for continuing to do whatever it is that you do to keep the ball rollin'. People are hard to deal with regardless of what career you are in and I hope that you feel appreciated and loved during this time. I also want to give a shoutout to the mommies and daddies out there who are struggling to homeschool their babies. You are doing great. Take a deep breath. And lastly, students. I know this year doesn't look like you expected. I know that online classes are hard (trust me, I'm struggling). I know that it is hard being at home and never getting a break. You are loved and you are prayed for. Hang in there.

Okay, let's get to it. These are some things that I have either done myself or have seen other people do to fill their days with some kind of joy.

1. READ YOUR BIBLE......I have experienced so much growth since I decided to start studying God's word in January of 2019. During the school year, I struggled to make this time with the Lord a priority, however, I am now completing my degree online and have no excuse. Thank you, Jesus, for the wisdom through Your word. If you struggle to find a place to start, reach out and I would be more than happy to help! :)

2. READ A BOOK.....For those of you who don't know me very well, I am an enneagram three, which means that I am obsessed with lists and all things accomplishments! I love to finish whatever it is that I start, so reading a book that is not for school is very hard for me because I start to feel guilty for NOT reading my school books. Through this time of being at home, I have gotten the chance to open a non-school, fiction book by Nicholas Sparks and I have gotten lost in it. I forgot the simplicity of words on pages and how the stories sometimes feel like my own.

3. GO FOR A WALK......It's not against the rules; do it! It is so refreshing to get outside and under the sun. If you are feeling sassy, start running. I'm not one for being sassy, so I'll stick to walking.

4. WRITE/SEND LETTERS....This has been a fun one for me. Getting things that are addressed to me in the mail is so special. There's something about reading someone's handwriting in a letter sent to me that makes me feel loved.

5. FINISH THAT PROJECT.....Hey, Pinterest gals. I know you have that project pinned on your account that you have been waiting for the perfect time to start. This is your time, sister. Buy the things you need, start and finish, and post! Be proud of what you have done!

6. DO YOUR HOMEWORK....Okay, students. This one is for you. We all have maybe less than a month left of this semester. Just do what you need to do. We are almost there, friends!!!

7. SUPPORT A LOCAL/SMALL BUSINESS....Whether that's your neighborhood restaurant or your favorite little boutique. Visit their websites, order things, ask them questions. If you are a family who is short on funds at the moment, do a simple like, follow, and share on their social media to get their business advertised. A quick share could go a long way.

8. EXERCISE....I have known that I should be more active for a WHILE, but I find every excuse in the book to lay on the couch and watch Netflix. I recently started working out in our garage for at least 30 minutes a day. I have noticed an increase in motivation for other parts of my day just by getting up and choosing to be active for a little bit. I watch youtube videos and I send a selfie at the end of every workout to a friend for accountability.

9. COOK/BAKE SOMETHING....I know a certain someone is going to read this and be totally shocked that those words came from me. I don't like to cook, but I know that it is necessary. For a college student, it can be tough to plan a meal. But what better time than now to start experimenting with foods to perfect? If you have any interesting recipes that you would like to send to ya girl, please reach out. My knowledge doesn't far exceed grilled cheese and cereal.

10. CHECK ON YOUR FRIENDS/FAMILY....This is a weird time for all of us. While we can't rally together in the physical form, we can surely text/call/facetime one another. We need each other. We need community.


Bonus. PRAY.... Whenever we say the words, "All we have left to do is pray," that is insinuating that prayer is the least powerful of the things we can do. Never underestimate the power of your prayer. Our God is sovereign. He is in control.


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